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Securing PPE During Pandemic Results in STAR Award

Securing PPE During Pandemic Results in STAR Award

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

The COVID-19 pandemic shines a bright light on the importance of keeping a hospital well stocked with equipment and supplies. At Salinas Valley Health (Salinas Valley Health), that task falls on the Materials Management team. This week, one of those team members earned a STAR award for her ongoing contributions during the crisis.

Isabel Paredes first joined Salinas Valley Health in August 2008 and is now a senior buyer for materials management, working with vendors across the globe to locate and purchase needed medical supplies, in a timely manner and at the best price. The task became especially challenging during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic when personal protective equipment or PPE was in high demand and short supply.

The Director of Materials Management highlighted Isabel’s tremendous contributions by nominating her for the Healthcare System’s STAR Award which stands for Support, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect – core principals of the Salinas Valley Health culture.

“Over the last 18 months and ongoing, Isabel has been essential in sourcing our required PPE and many other necessary medical supplies,” wrote Judi Melton, Director of Materials Management. “She is very dedicated and supports the needs for our patients, holding herself accountable if a supply is not available for our patients. She also holds our vendors accountable to their committed delivery schedules. Isabel shows the upmost respect to everyone she works with. She never shows stress or frustration - only compassion. She is our shining STAR!”

The STAR award celebration took place in the materials management warehouse where a number of Isabel’s colleagues gathered to express their appreciation for her work ethic and professionalism.

“I’m still in shock that I received this special award,” says Isabel Paredes, senior materials management buyer. “I truly enjoy my job and all the people I work with at Salinas Valley Memorial. We make a great team and I think that especially pays off during challenges like COVID-19 and in overcoming other supply chain issues.”

In addition to Isabel’s nomination, Pia Mina, a nurse aide in Medical-Surgery also received a STAR nomination this month.

Every month, Salinas Valley Health recognizes outstanding employees with a DAISY Award (for nurses) and a STAR Award (for all staff). Nominations can be submitted by patients, visitors and staff. Nomination forms and drop boxes are located throughout the medical center. To learn more about the awards visit Nurse Recognition | Salinas Valley Health or STAR Award | Monterey County Health System (

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