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Focus on the Pillars of Well-Being

Focus on the Pillars of Well-Being

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Experts may define well-being differently, but most agree that well-being refers to being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. It's okay to be healthier in some wellness aspects than others, but knowing how these categories of wellness interact with each other is important. If you are struggling in one area, the others can help support your overall well-being. These dimensions, or pillars, of well-being include:

  • Emotional wellness: This is about being aware of and okay with your feelings. Emotional wellness is also how you handle stress and how well you bounce back from hard times.
  • Spiritual wellness: Finding meaning, value and purpose in life that’s bigger than yourself is what encompasses spiritual wellness.
  • Physical wellness: As you might expect this refers to things like physical activity, healthy eating and sleep.
  • Social wellness: Having healthy connections means maintaining positive, healthy relationships with friends and family or others. Social wellness also includes considering and being open to new ideas.
  • Environmental wellness: This is having your basic needs met: clean air, healthy food and water. Personal safety and security are also parts of your environmental wellness.
  • Intellectual wellness: This includes engaging your mind by learning something new, like a language or a skill. It could also mean teaching something you know well to others. Respectfully discussing and debating differing views are also parts of this area.
  • Occupational wellness: This means being fulfilled by your daily work. Having a healthy work/life balance is also important.

How to build well-being

Practicing thoughts and behaviors that boost your health may also help improve your well-being. These behaviors and habits include everything from how you deal with stress to eating a balanced diet and sleeping well. Health includes physical, mental and emotional pieces. Growth in any of those areas may play a key role in improving well-being.

Here are some things you can do.

  • Practice gratitude. Be thankful for your friendships and tell your friends why you appreciate them. Recognize the parts of your life that are going well and focus on those. It’s also important to appreciate the little things: a nice day, a pet, or a good meal.
  • Find a physical activity that you enjoy. Some people are happier, less stressed, and sleep better when they are active. Step outside for some fresh air and walk 20 minutes a day.
  • Consider adding creative pursuits. You can write in a journal, create art or play music.
  • Prioritize sleep. Not getting enough sleep may increase your risk of accidents, high blood pressure and feeling depressed. Establishing a balanced sleep routine where you go to bed and wake up at the same time may help. You can also use a calming routine like reading, bathing, meditating or listening to music before bed.
  • Accept help. When you're struggling, sharing your thoughts and feelings may help you feel better. You can talk to someone helpful, like a close friend or family member, or a professional counselor.
  • Accept your thoughts because they’re not right or wrong. It's healthy to identify feelings early in order to process them. It's okay to feel down when things are hard.

These are just a few ways to build and improve well-being. There are many more. Salinas Valley Health is here to support your overall health and well-being. Here is a list of classes and events that can support your well-being journey:

Farmers’ Market at Salinas Valley Health
Group Chair Class – Via Zoom
Mindfulness Meditation – Via Zoom
Yoga Flow – Via Zoom

Salinas Valley Health is also a proud sponsor of the Blue Zones Project - Monterey County. Click here to learn more about this community-based wellness initiative.

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